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Vision & Aims

Vision of the Chet Neighbourhood Plan 


The two parishes of Chedgrave and Loddon, historically separated by the River Chet, are united in their resolve to develop the Chet Neighbourhood Plan.  In it, we seek to maintain, promote, and improve their quality as places to live, work, obtain services, and undertake leisure activities.  


We pay particular attention to the environment and sustainability; working towards a net zero carbon emissions future and protecting biodiversity are overarching requirements of the plan and all its component parts. 


Working towards a net zero carbon emissions future

The Chet Neighbourhood Plan recognises the threat of global warming. We are determined to play our part in reducing the risk to us and indeed the whole world from it. 


The ultimate outcome of the Plan is a net zero Chedgrave and Loddon by 2050 with at least a 50% reduction in carbon footprint by 2030. This implies progressively moving all existing housing and infrastructure in that direction, year on year, in line with science-based targets; all new developments must be planned and built to be net zero. Developers and builders will be expected to learn new approaches, skills, techniques, and technologies and to use different materials to achieve these aims, which should be regarded as an investment in the future.


Protecting biodiversity

There has been considerable erosion of the local natural environment over recent decades with serious reduction in natural spaces and biodiversity. The Chet Neighbourhood Plan recognises the opportunity to reverse at least some of these processes and to provide places where nature can flourish; this will apply to new developments, as well as to existing open spaces.


Aims of the Chet Neighbourhood Plan 


We seek to pursue and develop our aims by fostering close relationships within the parishes and in partnership with outside organisations and agencies. The Chet Neighbourhood Plan will seek to:


  • Maintain and develop an adequate stock of good-quality, well-maintained and attractive housing 

    • This should suit different needs and financial circumstances – single-occupancy properties and those for couples or families, including affordable housing – and provide for the elderly and/or those who need special care.

    • New homes and extensions to existing properties should be designed to a high aesthetic standard appropriate for the area and should be carbon-neutral.

    • Such new building should be energy-efficient, nature-friendly, and located close to public transport and amenities to avoid car-dependency.

    • New buildings, especially of several or more properties, should be situated within or immediately adjacent to the current population centres; building within the local countryside will not be supported.

  • Support local shops and businesses to ensure a thriving local economy

    • This will include encouraging them to adopt environmentally sensitive practices and facilities and to reduce business miles.


  • Provide adequate leisure and sports facilities, to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing 

    • The plan will build on local resources, including walking (footpaths; Wherryman's Way), boating and fishing (the River Chet and southern Broads), cycling routes, gym, play spaces for children, allotments and local clubs and societies.

    • Where necessary, we will work in partnership with South Norfolk District Council and Norfolk County Council and others to develop and deliver such resources (especially safe walking and cycling routes).


  • Protect our open spaces and environment, promoting rewilding of appropriate areas and a light touch, where more intensive maintenance is required

    • We will promote the planting of trees and rewilding or light-touch maintenance of open spaces to increase biodiversity in the parishes.


  • Support local farmers and landowners, encouraging them to adopt sustainable policies in land management and animal husbandry.

    • We will encourage them to plant trees and rewild or provide light-touch maintenance of open spaces to increase biodiversity in the parishes.

    • We will encourage farming methods to improve soil quality and enhance the restoration and protection of the environment. 


  • Ensure that the drainage system and maintenance of watercourses is adequate to mitigate any risk of flooding and excessive water run-off.

    • New developments should be planned such that they have a robust water supply and that there is adequate provision for waste water, sewage and water run-off.

    • Methods for the reuse of water will be encouraged.


  • Ensure that there is adequate infrastructure to support the needs of the parishes and those who come from outside  


This will include

    • Adequate school provision with good class sizes; 

    • Adequate healthcare provision (local surgery, dental surgery and pharmacy); 

    • The maintenance of good road links and sufficient carparking with charging points for electric vehicles and differential car-parking charges to encourage the use of low-carbon vehicles; 

    • Provision of appropriate traffic management / calming within the village centres; and 

    • The promotion of regular and frequent bus services to nearby large population centres.  


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